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Frequently asked questions - FAQ

Who is in charge of running the SavetheUQCommunity campaign?

This is primarily organised as a grassroots campaign. The core members have voluntarily come forward from various pockets of the UQ Union, including the Semper Floreat, Queer, Disability and Postgraduate Collective. 

Externally, we have MPs and the support of various members from the local community, including the local businesses within the Union Complex space. 


Why have we chosen to launch a campaign, and why are we taking a stand?

UQ has undertaken a closed consultation process of the redevelopment plan for over a year, during which the voice of the broader local community has not had a say. We were appalled to hear that local businesses operating on campus for years would be pushed off campus without consultation. That our various amenities would be bulldozed over and replaced with corporate aesthetics without consultation from clubs, societies, and staff who share these amenities as part of our UQ community.


We stand for greater transparency and ensure the voices of students and the wider community get a say on these matters. The future of our campus culture should rest in the hands of our community, not confidential meetings among executives.


How does this affect me?

If you are enrolled at UQ as a full-time student, you have a compulsory contribution you have to pay every year ($351 in 2024) called the Student Services Amenities Fees (SSAF). This amount goes to funding the UQ Union, The Association of Postgraduate Students, UQ Sports and UQ Life.  In short, your money is being spent on funding student amenities that sustain campus culture. 

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